Welcome to Coquet Park First School  

Welcome Message  

 Dear Parents, Carers and visitors to our school,

Coquet Park First School is a happy, one form entry coastal school that welcomes children from 3 to 9 years old. 

We aim to promote a safe and secure environment in which children learn to be members of a caring community. We believe that children are able to achieve their full potential in a happy and supportive environment, whilst enjoying their time in school.

I am privileged to work with enthusiastic, caring and hard working pupils supported by a dedicated, talented staff and a skilled Governing Body.  As a whole school community, we work closely in partnership with parents and other family members to make every day a valuable and memorable learning experience for all pupils. Through this, we aim to encourage every child to become confident, caring individuals with a love of learning and lifelong skills to flourish in future years.

Myself and the senior leadership team work closely together to ensure that high standards in teaching, learning and communication are constantly maintained. We strive to address any issues swiftly and effectively whilst working on future key initiatives that move us forward.

We warmly welcome visits from new parents. Please contact the School Office to arrange an appointment. Please do not hesitate to contact the school if you have any queries.

Mrs C. Ward  




Stained Glass Window Unveiling

It is with great pleasure that we can unveil our new stained glass window which is located between the Y3 and Y4 classrooms.  

We proudly welcomed Councillor Pat Oliver to unveil our fabulous stained glass window which was generously made and donated by The GlassHouse.

Inspired by ideas from the children, it is to recognise the efforts of all key workers and the school community during the pandemic.

Thank you GlassHouse for our beautiful window.

Castle Point Winners Autumn 1... Warkworth Castle

Castle Points Winners Autumn 2... Bamburgh Castle

Music Mark Nomination

We are excited to announce that Coquet Park has been nominated by North Tyneside Music Education Hub to continue as a Music Mark School for 2022/23. They have recognised our commitment to a broad and balanced curriculum and the value that we place on music.

Music Mark is the UK Association for Music Education, championing and supporting access to music for all children and young people. There are many exciting benefits to being a Music Mark school which we will be able to enjoy in the coming year.

Sing Up Day 2022

Digichoir - Love as our Guide

Coquet Park enjoyed taking part in Sing Up Day this year. The whole school came together to sing this year's song Love as our guide. Our choir then performed the song to be part of Sing Up's Digichoir, look out for us at 1.05mins and again at 3.11mins.

Awarded our 5th Eco Green Flag!

We are delighted to report that Coquet Park has had its Eco Green Flag renewed for an incredible 5th time. A recent article in the Our North Tyneside magazine, summer edition, highlights our achievement. The school is looking forward to a celebratory picnic to end the school year and raise the flag. A huge congratulations to all the children for their efforts in achieving this and of course Mrs Cairns who leads the crusade.

To see our journey to this amazing achievement click here.

Eco Green Flag Presentation

We were pleased to welcome Sandra Graham, Cabinet Member for the Environment at North Tyneside Council. 

Coquet Park First School are proud to announce we have been awarded the Eco Green Flag for the fifth time!  

This is in recognition of the continuing projects and work carried out throughout school, in every class, to actively support the environment. 

Each class have Green Ambassadors who work together with Mrs Cairns to develop the projects across school. We are very proud of all the children, their hard work and determination to positively support the eco values represented by the Green Flag Award.

Thank you to Mrs Cairns who leads the work across school and submits a very detailed application for the award every two years. 

Sandra Graham proudly raised the Green Flag and shared her appreciation, explaining this was the only school in North Tyneside to sustain and achieve this five times. 

After the awards ceremony, we celebrated together with a whole school Eco picnic on the field. The staff and children thoroughly enjoyed it. The fine weather made the day a great success!

Bolivia Day 2022

The whole school turned out in red, yellow and green in support of Noelia, a child we sponsor through the World Vision programme. The children learned about the country of Bolivia and its people including the food they eat, as they enjoyed some Bolivian food at lunchtime. Thank you to our kitchen staff for the wonderful spread they laid on and to everyone for their donations, we raised a tremendous £171 for Noelia.

Latest Whole School Events

Individual Photographs19Sep2024

9:00 am - 11:00 am

Y2 Rock Pooling Trip19Sep2024

9:00 am - 3:20 pm @ Whitley Bay Beach

Eco/World Vision Child Day20Sep2024

Y2 Parents meet the teacher23Sep2024

2:50 pm - 3:10 pm @ Dining Hall

Y1 Parents meet the teacher24Sep2024

2:50 pm - 3:10 pm @ Dining Hall

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