Achieve Believe Enjoy
At Coquet Park we believe learning about Fairtrade is an ideal opportunity for children to find out about the world they live in. Through Fairtrade events we can contribute to making the world a fairer place and be involved in something that’s happening all over the country and around the world. Throughout the year the Coquet Park works hard to raise awareness of Fairtrade by organising various events and activities.
Well done, it's official, we are a Fair Achiever School!
Fairtrade Fortnight 2022
We celebrated Fairtrade Fortnight by taking part in two big school events. From Nursery to Year 4 we all had a go at timing how many 'keepy uppys' we could do in a minute using our Fairtrade footballs. For the second event we used Fairtrade flowers and created our own art using them. We also took part in activities linked to Fairtrade in our own classes too.
The Great Coquet Park Fairtrade
Bake Off
The Fairtrade committee organised our very our Fairtrade Coquet Park Bake Off which was a huge success. All children and families throughout school were invited to enter their bakes into the competition. We had an overwhelming number of cakes, biscuits, cake pops and even fudge, all of which had been made using Fairtrade ingredients.
The Fairtrade committee took their role of judging the competition very seriously and thought long and hard about who should win in each category. They considered Fairtrade ingredients being used, the appearance of the bake and of course the overall taste!
The event managed to raise over £200.00 which we are donating to World Vision. Further news on that to follow soon!
Fairtrade Fortnight
We hosted a special Fairtrade Fortnight assembly where the Fairtrade Committee members from Year 4 told the story of Rosa and Migel from Panama and how Fairtrade have helped them get to a better deal for their village.
Fairtrade Website
To visit the Fairtrade schools page please click on the logo.
Fair Trade Notice Board
Don't forget to check out the Fairtrade notice board in school (next to the art room) for current events, news and updates!
Fairtrade Events Comming soon ...