2022/2023 Autumn & Spring Terms

Eco Day 2022

The whole school took to learning outside on Friday 23rd September in order to be able to switch off the electricity in our classrooms. Each class focused on one of the 10 eco topics

European Day of Languages

We took a journey around Europe, to Greece, Spain, Italy, Germany and France for this year's day of languages on the 26th September. The children experienced the culture of the country, which included a tasting menu at lunchtimes and learnt some basic language.

Harvest 2022

It was a delight to be able to celebrate Harvest Festival in time honored tradition with a selection of songs  performed for our parents. Our eco-craft sale and allotment produce raised over £200 for World Vision.

Y2 Visit to St Mary's Lighthouse

The sun shone for the Y2 visit to the lighthouse. Great fun was spent dipping in the rockpools, spotting baby seal pups and climbing the steps to the top of the lighthouse to see the lantern room.

Y1 Local Area Walk

Y1 explored the seafront as part of their Geography topic. They looked at landmarks of Whitley Bay as well as the natural features of the coast. 

Y4 STEM - Bring It On 

Y1 Visit to St Mary's Church

As part of Y1's work in RE they had the chance to visit the beautiful local church of St Mary's. They explored some of the features of this building, listened to a story and met the vicar.

Water Saving Workshop

Y3 and Y4 took part in a drama workshop called 'The Ripple Effect' run by Northumbrian Water. They worked to become water trackers by learning about the water cycle and learning ways to save water.

Y4 Visit to Cragside

Year 4 have had a fabulous day exploring Cragside House, learning about Lord Armstrong's inventions and their impact on the wider world

PTFA Coffee Morning

The lovely ladies of the PTFA organised a welcome coffee morning for old and new parents and carers. They raised £150 which is to be used for IT equipment.

NSPCC Assembly

The school took part in the NSPCC's 'Speak Out - Stay Safe' assembly. The children talked about how we all have the right to feel and be safe.  We also learnt who to speak to if we don't feel safe.

National Poetry Day

The whole school celebrated National Poetry Day. The theme this year was the environment. We then came together in assembly to share our work and perform our poems. 

Castle Points Reward

Autumn 1 - Warkworth

Warkworth spent a glorious afternoon out in Forest School as their reward for achieving the most castle points this half term.

Anti-Bullying Week

Odd Sock Day

Coquet Park kicked off Anti-Bullying Week by participating in Odd Sock Day and raising money for Children in Need at the same time.

Y3 Handball Competition

Year 3 had a brilliant time at the handball tournament. They represented CPFS in a positive way and with lots of team spirit.

Y4 Tag Rugby Competition

Year 4 deserved a huge congratulations for making it to the semi-finals of the Tag Rugby Festival. A fantastic effort by all involved.

Children in Need

Our Children in Need fundraising day saw the whole school donning their spots and bright colours to raise money for this important cause.  The children came together for a special assembly and finished the day with a cake sale. The total amount raised was £326.45

Author Visit

Early Years and Key Stage 1 children enjoyed a private audience with Kristina Stephenson, the author of The Museum of Marvelous Things (just one of the many children's books she has written). This enriching morning gave the children an insight into the author's life and how she became a writer. They also looked at the book and its characters in more detail.

Y1 Discovery Museum Visit

Year 1 spent a morning at Newcastle's Discovery Museum to enhance their History/Science Topic work on 'Toys and Materials' 

Yoga Workshop

KS 1 spent a lovely morning working with Rebecca from 'Children Inspired by Yoga'. They enjoyed exploring yoga poses and breathing techniques.

Christmas Crafts

The whole school put on their craft shirts and aprons to create some beautiful crafts for us to take home this Christmas. We used our Art and DT skills to make Christmas cards, calendars, baubles, hats, puppets and biscuits.  A big thank you to our parents and carers who helped us with our creations.

Christmas Lunch

We donned our Christmas hats and tucked into a tasty Christmas dinner, lovingly prepared by our kitchen staff.

Castle Points Reward

Autumn 2 - Bamburgh Castle

Bamburgh Castle had fun creating natural Christmas cards, willow angels and wire Christmas trees. Finishing off the reward afternoon with toasted marshmallows.

Y4 Percussion - Djembe

Year 4 have enjoyed a set of lessons doing a percussion music project with Mrs Tickell from the music hub.

Christmas Shows

From Nursery's Wriggly Nativity to KS 2's Lights, Camel Action. Coquet Park's stars were shining brightly as we welcomed parents and carers into school to be entertained - and entertained they were!

Christmas Parties

The whole school got dressed up in their party clothes for an end of term, Christmas celebration. There was much dancing, games and party teas were eagerly eaten.

Save the Children

On our final day of term we put on our Christmas jumpers and donated to our annual charity collection for Save the Children. We hope that what we raised will help make Christmas better for children less fortunate than us. 

PTFA - Santa's Grotto Event

Coquet Park PTFA enlisted the help of Santa and his elves for a fabulous event lasting two evenings. The children were able to meet Santa in his special grotto, make Christmas crafts, listen to a story, buy Christmas treats from the Elf Shop and visit the Elf Cafe. A big thank you to Santa and his elves for all the hard work they put in, they helped raise an amazing £1,800 from this event and the Christmas raffle. The children will benefit hugely from this. Many thanks to all the parents who supported these events, it made all the hard work worth it.

Star Writer Awards

The last WOW Assembly of the term was a special one as this celebrated our Star Writers. A superb achievement for those pupils and a big congratulations to all the children who have received a WOW certificate for something special this term.

Y3 Stone Age Workshop

Year 3 spent an enriching afternoon with FORESTed learning about the Stone Age. They built dens, learned about tools from that era and tasted a neolithic drink made with mint and honey.

Y1 Pirate Day 

Year 1 loved being pirates for the day! They designed and made pirate maps; painted pirate portraits; made pirate pizzas and fruit swords; had a pirate story telling workshop and finished the day with a treasure hunt. 

National Story Telling Week

What a fun packed week we had sharing stories with our younger pupils.  There was a 'secret reader' assembly where a different teacher came into our class to share a story. Story telling workshops allowed children to immerse themselves by acting out parts of the story. The week closed with a book swop and cake stall to raise money for the school.

Book Swop and Cake Stall

Our whole school book swop was a roaring success. Lots of families donated books and cakes. Thanks also goes to our PTFA who supported the event. We are so proud of our reading ambassadors for running the event.

Y3 Baptist Church Visit 

Year 3 visited the local Baptist church as part of their RE studies. They learnt all about 'baptistery' from pastor Joel and had the opportunity to explore the church and its baptism pool.

Safer Internet Day

As part of safer internet day,  each class participated in workshops to learn about this year's theme 'Want to talk about it?' Making space for conversations about life online.'

Y2 Great Fire Workshop

Year 2 rebuilt Pudding Lane and set fire to it! They learned about how the fire spread due to the windy conditions and the close proximity of the houses. They also dipped into the Science behind fire by learning about the fire triangle.

Y4 Author Workshop

Year 4 enjoyed a virtual workshop with the author of Finding Neverland - Abi Elphinstone. She told us about the inspiration for her book and has inspired us to write our own stories.

STEM Week 2023

STEM Week 2023 was as always packed full of exciting learning. This year's theme was women in STEM and we learned about women from the past to the present who have made their mark on the world from the work they have done in their fields of Science. We were working scientifically, using new computing technologies and sharing all of this learning with our families at the end of such a busy week.

Y4 Museum & Cathedral Visit

To enhance Year 4's learning, they spent an action packed day in Newcastle. In the morning they visited The Great North Museum to learn about the  Ancient Egyptians . Then after lunch they were taken on a guided tour of St Nicholas Cathedral which complimented their work in  RE lessons. 

Y2 Visit The Great Fire of Newcastle & Gateshead

Year 2 have been exploring Newcastle and Gateshead as they discovered there had been a 'great fire' just as there had been in London. They compared how the buildings had been constructed and made comparisons with the events of 1666.

Visits to 'The Bound' Bookshop

Children from Reception, Y2 and Y4 have had the opportunity to visit Whitley Bay's 'The Bound' bookshop for some story telling fun.  The children had the chance to use their WBD vouchers to buy a new book to take home.

World Book Day

Wow what a World Book Day we have had at Coquet Park. With visits to the bookshop, a masked reader quiz, teacher secret readers and the unveiling of the potato/egg box craft competition winners - plus new books to add to our class libraries. We all looked amazing too dressed as our favourite characters.

Technology Tom

All our classes spent half a day working with Technology Tom as part of our STEM week. Early Years made push toys and constructed buildings from newspaper.  KS1 built wheeled vehicles and lever mechanisms and KS2 designed gadgets with motors and built crane arms.

Y3 Forest School

Pupils in Year 3 enjoyed an afternoon of forest school in which they received a pre-teaching session ahead of their plants topic next half term. They learned all about what plants and trees need to survive and made our own tree pictures including the roots, trunk and leaves.

Y3 Class Assembly

Year 3 class parents were treat to a super performance based on their current topic work around the Stone Age.

Birmingham Symphony Orchestra Concert

Children in KS 2 were enthralled by an interactive concert performed by the Birmingham Symphony Orchestra. The concert was based on the story by Jules Verne, Around the World in 80 Days. It proved to be a very worthwhile experience for the children.

Y3 Visit to Segedunum

Year 3 visited the Roman Fort Segedunum in Wallsend to enhance their History topic work. They were Celts in the morning, learning about Boudicca's rebellion but were Roman soldiers by the afternoon, where they experienced the special jobs they could be asked to carry out around the fort. 

Y4 Fencing Tournament

Coquet Park hosted a fencing festival for some of the local first schools.  The children had lots of fun as it gave them a chance to put into practice the skills they had been learning in their PE lessons. 

Red Nose Day

The whole school came out in red on Friday 17th March to raise money for Red Nose Day 2023

Y2 Skipping Workshop

Year 2 enjoyed a morning of skipping with the skipping school expert Gail. They were learning new techniques and are eager to take part in the Skipping Festival later on in the year.

Y1 Suzuki Method

As part of the wider opportunities programme we have in school, the Year 1 class have been learning the violin through the Suzuki method of listening, imitation and repetition. This is a super introduction before they will learn bowing in KS2

Y2 Forest School

Rain, rain go away, but we had lots of fun anyway! Year 2 spent the afternoon in and around forest school developing their map work and orienteering skills. We worked well in our teams and used compasses too.

Y1 Dance Festival

Year 1 children wowed the Playhouse at this year's Dance Festival organised by the NT PE Team. Dancing to 'Happy' by Pharrell Williams they certainly left the audience feeling happy with their energy, colourful costumes and smiling faces.

Spring Sing Concert

Coquet Park Choir sang their hearts out and delighted the audience at the Whitley Bay Playhouse with some seasonal singing. Organised by the NT Music Hub this annual event has become a regular event for CPFS and is loved by parents and children alike.

Y1 Forest School

Y1 enjoyed an afternoon of plant hunting and creating natural art with FORESTed. They are eager to start their plants topic in Science next half term.

Y4 Transition Afternoon @VGMS

The Y4 children had an amazing transition visit to VGMS. They experienced a DT and Science lesson and were thrilled to be bringing home their own keyring designed and made by them.

Nursery Local Area Walk

Nursery went on a shopping trip to our local Co-op to pick up the ingredients for some fairytale cooking. During our visit they were looking at different print in the environment, hunting for labels and logos around the shop.